Friday, May 1, 2009

Home Stretch...

Just in case you haven't gotten your newsletter, here are a few important dates.
May 2-3, 7-8: Construction days- there are some things that still need finishing up before Diggins
May 9-10: Canvas up- Larry will be out there putting up all the canvas on each building. The canvas is heavy and Larry needs help.
May 26: Move in day- We will be moving all of the basement of the Eagle over to the Diggins site. Also, the Wilson Store will be packed and brought over to become the Brown's Store. There is a lot of stuff to move, so the more hands the better!
May 27:Set up- This is your opportunity to help put all the venues together. Again, there is a lot of stuff and many venues that need to be decorated.
Also, we will be hosting an interpretative and school tour meeting. The time is still to be determined.

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