Sunday, May 23, 2010

Scenario brainstorming

Some of you have offered to begin these discussions. If you have not offered to start a conversation, feel free to start one, these are some of your ideas from last week's brainstorming session.

Mining issues disputes
Water company bills to laundry
Ordering food for the hotel
Someone having a baby (possibly with complications... we have a midwife)
Mail Call
People arriving by stage (theater troupe or other "loose" women)
Columbia Miner's Law discussion at the Coffee Saloon (Tim M. and John H.)
Bed bugs at the American Hotel or Boarding House (Louise and miners)
Rumor of weevils in the flour
Fire in nearby town so must practice bucket brigade

1 comment:

LeeJ said...

I have been re reading the account of Edmund Booth, the man that lived in the Columbia/Yankee Hill area in 1852.
His letter home written August 26 tells his wife about an ox getting into his cabin, via a door made of canvas. The ox was supposedly looking for salt, and proceeded to make a huge mess, ate all his potatoes, onions, bread. So, perhaps the crooked horned cow could be accused of eating up some miner's stash of food?

If you want to get a real feel of life in Columbia in 1852, read this account written by Edmund Booth.
Lee Jorgensen